Selasa, 09 Juni 2015


NPM                     : 11211595
KELAS                : 4EA18


My initial learning English since elementary school begins. English language subjects are taught in 4th grade. While in previous classes I had not received these subjects. The material was first taught by teachers in the classroom about the meaning of a noun that exist around us. Then interpret the names of the month, the name of the day, the name of a fruit and much more.
I think English is easy and fun, because I thought English was not much different from the Indonesian. Develop or stringing words in the English language is like we are stringing words in Indonesian. Staying Indonesian language word we translate into English and then I assemble like wording in Indonesian. But in reality difficult.
Since I had difficulty with English lessons, I do not give up. At home I try to review and study itself little by little. Although ultimately I still feel confused, but the important thing I've been trying. Sometimes I also asked a friend, who I consider to be the English language. Not only that, I also les English in the course, the PEC.
After graduating from elementary school I went to junior high school. In junior high school I also get the English language subjects. But English in junior high material increase even more. English class in junior high school, I was taught by English teachers on formulas to construct a sentence.
Of conditions that do not quite understand the formula English taught in junior high, I still go to school to high school level. In high school English class is not much different, father / mother teacher also taught formulas, similar to what I learned in junior high. The difference formulas were more developed with the sentence pattern which seems to me more complicated. Because I think the material that I can be more difficult in high school, I finally decided to move the course to LPIA to deepen learning English. Although it is difficult but at least I understand the English language lessons.

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